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Name:  " Anslem Boatswain "
Better Known As  Bradman
D.O.D  07/13/2022
Country From:  Grenada
State / Parish:  St. Andrews
District  Union
Place of Death  New York
Service Date
07/22/2022 @


Special Info  Anslem Boatswain better known Bradman of Union St. Andrew died on 7/13/22 at the age of 65! left to mourn are his daughter: Kerry-Ann Boatswain in Trinidad Brothers : Selwyn Boatswain in Trinidad, Alvin better known as tola and Eric better known as Bayee in Grenada Gordon better known as Zico! Sister Yvonne Boatswain In the USA. sisters in law- Sandra Boatswain and Emmanuel Boatswain in the USA many other relative and friends including, Laurice Lewis in the USA Josephine Antoine in Canada, Agnes Edwards (Philibert) , Laurice Philip (Calvin) in USA Agnitha Callymore and Janette Coutain in Trinidad, Denis john (john families) Antigua , all the Coutain families (coutain families, Boatswain families in Grenada and Carriacou, Edwards families in USA, Callymore families in Trinidad, Walcott families of St, James, , many other relative and friend in the surroundings area , Union ,and Post Royal


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