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Name:  " Anthony Ettienne "
Better Known As  Little one and One Nee
D.O.B:  01-01-1952
D.O.D  07/13/2022
Country From:  Grenada
State / Parish:  St. Davids
District  Corinth
Place of Death  Brooklyn New York
Service Date


Anthony Ettienne better know as Little one or One Nee
From Corinth st. David’s son of the late Lenie Ettienne. Died in the US on July 13.
Left to mourn are his wife
Ellenor Syrus Ettienne in the US
1 son Eston Samuel in Trinidad

1 step daughter Milika Syrus
2 grandchildren Orianna & Orian
In the US

3 Sisters Carmen Ettienne in Trinidad
Albertha Wilson better know as lune and Celia Ettienne in Grenada

2 Brothers Kingsley Ettienne in Canada and
Desmond Ettienne in Trinidad

1 Aunt Claris Pierre in Trinidad

8 Nephews Dickson and Quincy in Canada
Rodney and Dexter in Trinidad
Terron ,Ryan ,Derrick, Sammy & DJ
in USA.

3 Neices Deslyn in Trinidad,Wendy in Canada and Kamala in Grenada.

Many cousins including Agatha Ferguson and Jewel St.Louis in the US.

Relatives including Earl Hudson and the Fleming family

Close friends Natalie Richard and Erica Samuel

The funeral of the late Anthony Ettienne will announced in a subsequence broadcast


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